
1. This post was inspired by Amy’s post.

Rocky, my Boston Terrier, crouches down next to his water dish.

2. Rocky is super smart. He also drinks tons of water. When I don’t refill his water bowl quickly enough, he turns it over and crouches pitifully beside it.

3. Sometimes, Rocky is too smart. He’s learned how to put down the window in the car.

Jasper, my poogle (poodle/beagle mix).

4. I have a poogle named Jasper. He’s an absolute sweetheart, but he doesn’t come to work with me because he gets anxious.

5. Both my dogs are rescues.

6. I swear there’s more to my life than dogs!

Polka dot manicure.

7. Like nails. Santina recently taught me how to do polka dots!

8. Board games are awesome. Particularly Settlers of Catan, Carcassonne, and Scrabble. Also Bananagrams, even if it’s not really a board game.

9. You know what else is awesome? xkcd. Nothing better than nerdy comics!

10. Speaking of which, nerds are TOTALLY awesome.

Pin curls.

11. My hair is in pin curls as I type. See photo above. Tonight: off to the Art Deco Preservation Ball! [UPDATE: photos from the ball are here: Swanky and Swingin’ at the Art Deco Preservation Ball]

12. Taking a decent self-portrait in pin curls, without makeup, is damned near impossible. Thank goodness for Instagram filters! And that trick of pinching cheeks for a temporary blush (learned from reading 18th/19th century novels).

So, how about you?

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