A Birthday in Style! With Florals and Wine

Did you know that June is the best month ever? Lovely weather, tons of flowers in bloom, summer fruits and vegetables are making their way to market . . .

. . . AND it just so happens to be my birthday month!

For my birthday this past Sunday, Pat took me wine tasting in Napa Valley (before we headed out to dinner in the evening). It was a warm, sunny, absolutely gorgeous day, and I was in the mood for bright florals.

Photo by Pat Zimmerman.

Photo by Pat Zimmerman.

I was also excited to wear my new art deco era bracelet. It was a birthday gift from Pat that he had given me a couple of days early because he was so excited about it. And with good reason – I adore it!

Art deco era silver bracelet featuring summer flowers, corn, and wheat.

Art deco era silver bracelet featuring summer flowers, corn, and wheat.

The dress is one I got a couple of years ago from ModCloth. It’s always struck me something that should be worn to a birthday party, if not a wedding! I paired it with a lightweight cardigan from Banana Republic (also from a couple of years ago), dark green Miz Mooz t-straps, and a camel-colored Anne Klein handbag.

All dolled up in bright florals for my birthday. Photo by Pat Zimmerman.

All dolled up in bright florals for my birthday. Photo by Pat Zimmerman.

As far as the wine tasting went, we actually ended up spending almost 3 hours at Hall, one of our favorite wineries (and where these photos were taken). The wine was excellent and we were able to sit outside and savor each tasting. I definitely enjoyed that slow, easy pace more than rushing around from winery to winery.

It was a very happy day!

All dolled up in bright florals for my birthday. Photo by Pat Zimmerman.

All dolled up in bright florals for my birthday. Photo by Pat Zimmerman.

Dress: Save the Date Dress via ModCloth
Purse: Anne Klein
Bracelet: vintage art deco silver bracelet (birthday gift from my husband!)
Cardigan: Banana Republic
Shoes: Green Tea-Strap Heel, Miz Mooz via ModCloth

[Bracelet photo by me. Other photos by Pat Zimmerman (as noted).]

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